Now that a material has been chosen and install the next and most crucial step is drainage. There must be drainage built-in to allow that water to flow and relieve the pressure on the backside of the wall. Without it the water will just sit and rot wood and other materials, add excess weight to the wall causing premature damage which will lower the lifespan of your retaining wall.
Backfill will be next. Stones, rock, gravel, should be incorporated to allow the water to flow freely to the drainage. If it is all dirt and clay the water has nowhere to go and will just sit and put more and more pressure on the wall.
Anchoring, not always a necessity it is an available option that will help hold the wall in place for years to come.
Almost to the finish line. Now that the wall is up we have our drainage and backfilling place it’s now on to ceiling. Putting a sealer on your wall will give added life and moisture resistance to the stones, rocks or whatever material it is you chose.
Plants in front of the wall can play a crucial part also. You will want to plant grasses and other plants that will have a roots system that will enter-twine with each other. This strong support root system will be an added level of strengthening the over all structure.

Dave Flaishans
Project Manager
DC&H Construction