Outdoor Living

As summer quickly approaches many of us are thinking of outdoor entertaining, 4th of July BBQs (with GFarms beef of course) and summer parties. Let’s go over some benefits of adding an outdoor living space to your home.  1.  This is probably the most obvious, A Place to Host What fun is having a great…

Make a connection

In John Maxwells 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, there is a chapter named the Law of Connection. In it he speaks about communicating with openness and sincerity and quotes NFL coach Bill Walsh who said “Nothing is more effective than sincere, accurate praise, and nothing is more lame than a cookie-cutter compliment”. I think we…

When to hire a Contractor

If you’re a homeowner you need a good general contractor on your side.  A General Contractor is someone who not just coordinates but supervises every aspect of your project. That includes securing the proper permits and materials for the project, as well as, hiring, scheduling and overseeing the work of other subcontractors like your carpenters,…

Out with the old!

Did you make a New Years Resolution to declutter and organize your home? No?  Maybe you should have but didn’t.  It’s a daunting task. You can change the way your home looks and feels when you simply declutter.  When you walk into your home do you feel the chaotic energy? If you want to create…


  Today I would like to discuss teamwork. I served 22 years in the Marine Corps and have worked a few different positions since retiring. While I am not independently wealthy, I have taken the time to be more selective in my decision of where to work, which has led me to DC & H and…

Thinking about a remodel?

I think it is safe to say, we all agree the housing market is completely ridiculous right now.  Outrageous bidding wars, supply chain issues for new home builds or flip homes, able to sell but unable to purchase…the list goes on. Many families have succumbed to room conversations to add space for various reasons: home…

Are you ready this time?

If you lived in the area February 2021 chances are you or someone you knew went without power for quite some time. Frigid conditions left us with the realization that the majority of us Texans are not prepared for such conditions. Neither is our home.  If Mother Nature throws another polar blast our way and…