Is ozone treatment right for your home or business? It is a little unnerving with social media shouting it’s blown out of proportion, what does the CDC have on their website, then add in the media.
Let’scuss ozone treatment for your home, school, office, warehouse, manufacturing facility, and business.
First, we have the three Ps to review: people, pets, and plants. Ozone is a gas. Therefore we want to take precautions when treating your home, school, office, warehouse, and facilities. We treat in off hours. We want people, pets, and plants removed from the area being treated.
Now the benefits and the why –
Ozone is an excellent pest control. It will kill off insects and encourage rodents to move out. Rodents, like us and pets, can’t handle being in the area with ozone, so they will vacate the premises as quickly as possible. Ozone again is a gas, so it will work it’s way into and throughout the space to include inside walls, attics, ventilation systems and HVAC systems.
Ozone is a proven killer of mold and fungus. Molds and fungus exists in every space. You can’t see behind your walls, inside AC ducts, vents, and so on.
Mold and fungus thrive in moisture rich, dark environments. Your heating and air ducts are a target rich environment for molds and fungus. Have a dry cough lasting too long to be a cold? This could be why. Every time that system turns on, it could be blowing those spores throughout every room. This is true of an office, school, hospital, home, or any structure with an HVAC system. Nothing is exempt.
Now onto bacteria and infectious disease. Hot topic of concern today right? The flu, colds, pneumonia, and the real topic of concern, COVID-19 the Corona virus. Ozone is strictly a preventative. There is not enough data or information out as to how COVID-19 will respond to ozone. Ozone is proven to kill microbes. Ozone treatment is a personal, precautionary decision for every individual and business owner.
Our company protocol for remodeling and renovation projects to our teams, project managers, and home owners is to offer to treat our works space on the days work is being performed.
To schedule your professional ozone treatment, call 214-908-3655 or 214-244-3871. We serve ISDs, private schools and daycares, office space, warehouses, homes, rental properties, storage facilities, and manufacturing facilities.