In 1911 two exploration groups had a goal to be the first ever to reach the South Pole. One group had painstakingly researched, planned and looked at the journey from every angle. They had a well planned route, food and supply stored along the way. This led to them arriving at the South Pole first and well ahead of the expected date, returning with the entire group. They applied the Law of Navigation to ensure their journey would be a success.
The other did little research, used the wrong kind of animals and equipment and had disastrous results. They eventually arrived at the South Pole much later than planned and eventually the entire group succumbed to the weather and lack of food.
In navigating and planning our weather shifts in Texas we need to plan our journey to keep our homes as safe and ready as possible. We all remember the freeze of 2021 and have thought of what we would have done differently. Now is the time to do that. We can winterize our homes, prepare for an unforeseen weather incident not only in the cold but when it gets warmer also. Here are a few tips to help you and your family stay protected as you navigate the weather ahead of us.
- Check and change air filters in your HVAC system. Get your system checked annually.
- Have water and food storage.
- Seal drafty doors and windows. Caulk gaps, install weatherstipping, and foam tape are few ideas
- Check your roof, nearly every roofing company will gladly provide a free inspection if you aren’t comfortable climbing on a roof. Look for damaged shingles, check for areas that may leak around the chimney
- Do you have a generator? Now is a great time to run it and test it.
- Have your chimney inspected and cleaned if needed.
- Finally, the biggest issue many faced last year. Protect your water pipes. Check all pipes to ensure they are all insulated or that the current insulation is still in good shape. If not, let’s get that replaced. Don’t forget attic and crawl spaces that aren’t always easily seen.spaces.
As always we at DC and H can assist with any questions or help you may need.
Dave Flaishans
Project Manager