Out of the many thing I have learned in construction, turf has been the most recent and relevant subject due to a land clearing/pond job I have tasked out to do. building up to this job I had to evaluated the dirt work I would need to get done prior to installing the turf. This includes sloping the the side walls to a 30-45 degree angle, packing down the dirt, and smoothing the slop to lay turf flush against the ground.
The goal for this project is to stop water erosion from disrupting the appearance surrounding the pond. There were two ways to go about this, one was laying crushed concrete, and the other would be to install turf. the concrete would be 2-3 times more expansive, and would be harder to control where I would want it. The benefits of the turf is that it is more cost effective, more controlling of where I want it to lie, and would allow water to run down the slop over the turf and not through it like rock(potentially moving more dirt/erosion).
As it pertains to installing the turf, a non porous polyethylene turf would be used. A non porous type is wanted to achieve proper water control. Below the turf would be a paper mesh lining that would prevent weeds from coming thorough the turf and prevent erosion underneath. At the top of the slop, I would have a foot deep trench to lay coated 2x4s, and connect the turf and mesh. Then lay the ground back over them to maintain the natural slop and proper water run off. Lastly, it is impotent to lay the turf in the direction where the grass blades point down hill. This is again important to aid in water flow.
In the book Fanatical prospecting, I have been reading through in person prospecting and how to be effective at it. In person meetings and anointments are a important aspect of construction. no phone calls, emails, or even pictures can replace in person communication and proper evaluations of projects. That being said you don’t have a screen to hide behind so I Have learned to do my research prior to an appointment’s, if I get a question that is unexpected to pause and think about a proper answer. If I am caught off guard, be honest with the customer and don’t be ashamed to say the words “I don’t know”. Fallowing that scenario, re-evaluate the job and go back to the research to find that out and get back to the customer with a proper response.