When you are searching for a service to be provided (Hair stylist, lawn maintenance, mechanic) you have a general feel for the type of person and experience you are
Wanting. It shouldn’t be any different when you are looking for a contractor. Of course we all want that “Fair, low price with first class work” That’s truly a unicorn. I cringe when I hear “I’m looking for an inexpensive, quality contractor.” With all do respect, inexpensive or cheap do not go hand in hand with quality. Do you go into a fast food restaurant expecting a 5 star steak dinner? No, absolutely not. I’m not saying you should be taken to the cleaners for quality service and product. But you should expect to put a bit of skin in the game if you are wanting a product that shines in excellence. I want to encourage you to do your best to go deeper than (Low price, fair pricing etc) when looking for your next contractor. List out the qualities you would like in the company, crew and project manager. What would be considered red flags?
Can you find them on social media? Do they have their review option turned on with their business fb page? Recent reviews are important. Every FB business page has the option to turn on commenting for reviews. We choose to have this feature turned on. We want to be as open and candid with our customers and potential customers, as well as future employees. We pride ourselves on our culture and relationships. We hope that shines thru in our reviews and eases any concerns you may have with working with a GC.
After meeting with the potential contractor, do you feel you could refer them to friends and family even if you don’t get work done by them at this time? What is your gut feel? Did your personalities mesh or cause friction? It’s important to have a comfortable working environment. If you or myself do not feel there is trust walking into the job, a level of care and open communication, then we will have a recipe for disaster. No one is set up for success when one or both parties put past experiences and problems onto someone else. Just like you wouldn’t want me to judge you from my last crazy client, I don’t want to be judged by your last crazy contractor.
Never hesitate to ask us any questions. We are an open book. If we don’t know the answer, we will not try to fluff our way around it. We will find the answer and get back to you. We look forward to serving you in your future projects.